Tuesday 8 October 2013

How to make a vegemite sandwiche

This is How to make a vegemite sandwiche

How to make a vegemite sandwiche

Buy bread, White bread, often tip top or sunblest variety.
Take 2 slices of bread,
spread western star butter
How to make a vegemite sandwiche
then, reach into the pantry for the vegemite jar, unscrew the yellow top, dip your knife into the black gold and spread.
If making vegemite and lettuce - add lettuce, shredded preferably. Caution must be taken now, after rinsing the iceberg lettuce. Unless patted dry on the teatowel before liberally spreading shredded lettuce upon the already evenly spread vegemite upon white bread, or the result will be a soggy sandwiche at lunchtime. Which, can be endured and is still edible just a tad disappointing when bitten into. Although, it is still a genuine packed lunch vegemite sandwiche.
Vegemite and cheese is an alternative to the lettuce, but I was always a vegemite and lettuce child. None of that kraft cheese slice in my vegemite sandwiche.
I forgot to add, if making more than one sandwiche the number of slices are laid out and made accordingly - at the same time. Wrapped in the traditional glad wrap or the more modern plastic sandwiche bag with the fold over opening.
Lunch box, plastic, with matching drink bottle filled with bickfords or cottees cordial. Maybe an apple or a health food bar added. Nuts and sultanas in their tiny boxes were also appropriate and you might break your tooth on the little metal ring on the old kraft cheese sticks that often made their way into a lunch box.


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