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Wednesday 4 June 2014

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Subtitle Indonesia Emergency Couple

Subtitle Indonesia Emergency Couple

Subtitle Indonesia Emergency Couple

Sunday 30 March 2014

Celebrating the Season!

Over the next few weeks there will be many beautiful arrangements created by members to celebrate the season.

Why not send a photo of your piece for inclusion on the blog?

Recently, Lara Telford ( Sogetsu school) helped a group of Japanese children, aged between 4 and 10 years, with arrangements of pine, snapdragons and misty to herald the New Year.

Christmas Arrangements

Emily Karanikolopoulos' striking arrangement for Christmas  uses the traditional combination of red, green and white materials. Green pine needles are also used in Japan to give an auspicious touch to New Year celebrations.

Coming Events

Our first meeting for 2013 will be at 10.30 am on Tuesday 12th February at Toorak Uniting Church Hall, 603 Toorak Road, Toorak.  Visitors welcome.

There will also be an opportunity to hear Rosemary Parry-Brock explain the Ikebana Melbourne Blog on this day - what it's aim is and how to navigate it without hassle.  Rosemary will answer any of your questions.  If you have any suggestions you would like to offer as to how we can make our blog a glowing showcase for our activities and work, then take advantage of this opportunity.    It's YOUR blog, so your creative suggestions will enhance it's presence on the internet.

Please bring a summer arrangement.

In Christopher James' arrangement below he has used material sparingly (as befits our depleted gardens at this time of year) and water is a feature.  (The photo attached comes with Chris' permission).

Melbourne Ikebana will be participating at .......

type='html'>The preparations for the upcoming Family Day at Como Gardens to be held on the 17th February at their beautiful grounds in The Basin, is well under way.

Melbourne Ikebana will be participating with demonstrations and a display.   Many visitors are expected and this gives Melbourne Ikebana a wonderful opportunity to display this art to people who may be new to the concept of Ikebana.

Rainy Day Books at the roundabout in the Basin has already set up their window display featuring an Ikebana flower arrangement surrounded by books dealing with the subject.

(Photographs are covered by Copyright, R-PB)


The "Family Day" at Como Gardens, to be held on the 17th February, will have an Ikebana Workshop for children starting at 11.30 a.m. 

The Ikebana Demonstration will commence at 2.30 p.m.

Here are some photographs from last year's display at Como Gardens.


Summer was the theme for our meeting on 12th February. 

Aiko Nakada did a beautifully tranquil landscape arrangement, typical of the Ohara school, featuring water lilies.


On 17th February Pat Hetrel, President of the Melbourne Chapter, and her husband, George, hosted a very successful Family Day at their property, Como Gardens. 

There were numerous activities for children, including an ikebana workshop, conducted by Theresa Feile. 

A demonstration by teachers from several schools generated praise and interest, with a number of enquiries about taking up the introductory offer of three ikebana lessons for $40.

We added ikebana arrangements to the gardens - a considerable challenge given the hot day - but had plenty of choice for space! We could have had many more. 

Lara Telford and her students constructed a striking piece in remembrance of bushfires and the power of renewal.

(Photographs reproduced with permission from Ikebana Melbourne Chapter 29 members)


type='html'>Chieko Yazaki (Shogetsudokoryu school) and Irina Raportaru ( Ichiyo school) ran a very successful introductory workshop at the St. Kilda Library on 6/3/13 (at the request of Port Phillip Council).
Nineteen people took part and five expressed interest in taking up the Ikebana International  Introductory Lesson Offer (three lessons for $40).  Another participant bought a gift voucher. 


The workshop also provided an opportunity to promote the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show, which will be held at the Exhibition Building and adjacent gardens from Wednesday 20th until Sunday 24th March.

I. I. Melbourne Chapter's exhibition space, 6 metres x 3 metres, will display "Harmony", an exciting arrangement which has been forged by the five different schools, each using  similar material in an individual way to give a unified whole.

It's not be missed - located at stand C 12, within the main hall.

There will also be a combined ikebana demonstration, showcasing the different schools on Wednesday 20th March, 3.45 - 4.15 pm.

Tell your friends about it! And remind them that I. I has been awarded bronze and silver medals in recent years. We wish the hard-working group who have met for several months to design and construct this year's entry similar success.

Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show

At the recent prestigious Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show, Emily Karanikolopoulos won first prize in the Shop Window Display section with this striking design.     Congratulations!
Emily has won several awards at MIFGS in recent years.

Betty and Toula Karanikolopoulos (yes, they are all related) also won 4th prize in the Shop Window section. We are pleased and proud to share their success.

The five ikebana schools in our chapter constructed "Harmony", a beautiful collaborative arrangement using willow and bamboo, with anthuria and orchids giving accents of colour.

Shogetsudokoryu school

 Sogetsu and Ikenobo schools

Ichiyo and Ohara schools

Ikenobo school



At the general meeting on Tuesday 14th May Jo Tanaka-King gave a fascinating talk about Japanese crafts, focusing especially on the history of ceramics, bamboo basketry and lacquer ware. Jo leads tours to Japan on a regular basis.

Some members created beautiful autumnal arrangements, with many using favorite containers from Japan.

(The eleven photographs in this post are by courtesy of Christopher James, and are covered by copyright).

JAPANESE DAY - JUNE 11th, 2013

Japanese Day on June 11th was a lively occasion. Funds were raised for the victims of the Fukushima earthquake and further donations would still be welcome if you did not have an opportunity to contribute.   Lunch was freshly-cooked tempura, sushi and other Japanese delicacies, prepared and served by an energetic group of Japanese members and friends.

Photo - copyright © 2013 Sally Wilkinson

We were invited to join in the tradition of Tanabata , a festival in which paper strips bearing wishes, some in the form of poetry, are hung on bamboo arrangements. It is now usually held on the seventh day of the seventh month, that is, July 7th ( by the Gregorian calendar) and relates to ancient folklore about star-lovers who are forbidden to meet except on this day. And if it rains they must wait for another year!

Photo - copyright © 2013 Sally Wilkinson

Photo - copyright © 2013 Sally Wilkinson


Do you have any tips for keeping bamboo leaves looking fresh? 

Some ideas include:
... place the stems in boiled salted water for ten minutes
.... make an incision a few centimetres above the node and fill the stem with water. 

In Theory of Japanese Flower Arrangements by Condor it is recommended that you first cut the material at 4 a.m, remove the node at the bottom and fill the lowest section with boiling water, in which cloves have been steeped. Then seal the end and wait for the water to cool. This advice from the late nineteenth century does not seem to have survived into current practice! Or has it? 

Introductory Offer
Many teachers in the Melbourne Chapter, from a variety of schools, offer a set of three lesson as an introduction to ikebana. From July 1st 2013 the price will be $45. Still a bargain and a marvellous way to start the journey of creativity with flowers. Contact Chieko Yazaki


Camellias or tsubaki

Centuries ago the tendency of camellia flowers to drop led to an association with premature death. For example, an arrangement with camellias in the presence of a samurai was a bad omen indeed.  However, they are now regarded as an auspicious flower and their beauty when matched with pine, willow or bamboo expresses a sense of happiness, good fortune and longevity.

On Tuesday July 9th the general meeting will feature camellias. Our speaker will be Shirley Shellcross from Camellias Victoria, followed by demonstrations using camellias by members from our different schools.   Please also bring an arrangement of your own if you wish. 


Congratulations to Emily Karanikolopoulos who recently won a Scholarship to study at the Sogetsu school headquarters in Tokyo for three months. The scholarship is an endowment by the Norman and Mary Sparnon Trust and is awarded every three years to a practising Sogetsu teacher in Australia. Norman was a fully accredited master in both Sogetsu and Ikenobu styles.   His book The Magic of Camellias (written with Prof. E. G.Waterhouse, a camellia expert), is available for borrowing from the library (at the monthly meetings.) 



Shirley Smallcross, from Camellias Victoria, gave an illustrated talk about this beautiful flower. Not all ‘shatter’ readily according to Shirley - this tendency varies a great deal. 

Members shared tips on pinning the blooms to help prevent them from falling, some favouring attaching the base of the flower to an adjacent leaf and others inserting a pin through the stamens into the base of the stalk. 

Some new developments included purple and yellow blooms. Many camellias have been bred in Australia and although there is a limited selection available from nurseries these days, they are easily propagated from cuttings.


This arrangement was a tribute for Julie Alston, a member for 40 years who died recently.

Furuidono                                                      without a sound the white camellia fell
Kurakini otsuro                                                      to sound the darkness of the deep stone well
Yosano Buson  1769

For other arrangements on the day - please go through to the Melbourne Ikebana Photos page.

Diary Dates

There are some interesting ikebana events on the horizon.

Firstly our next general meeting on Tuesday 13th August will feature hellebores or winter roses. These delicate flowers can be challenging to arrange, so this will be a golden opportunity to collect some ideas and skills. Peter Leigh, from Post Office Farm Nursery in the Macedon Ranges, will give a short talk about hellebores, including several new species. He will also bring plants for sale.

We will be participating in the Australian Plants Expo at St Sava’s Hall, 212 Diamond Creek Road, Greensborough, on the 7th and *8th September with a display and demonstration using Australian native material.

On September 10th our general meeting will be an excursion to the National Rhododendron Garden, Olinda, including a bus tour of the gardens.

From Tuesday 17thuntil Sunday 22nd Septemberthe annual Chapter Exhibition will be held at GASWORKS ARTS PARK, 21 Graham Street, Albert Park, 10am – 4pm.

On Tuesday October 8th  at our general meeting a workshop led by Thea Sartori will explore the art of Chabana, the style of flower arranging that was created for use in the tea ceremony.

(Please note that all photos are copyright ©2013 Christopher James).

Saturday 29 March 2014


type='html'>Inspired by last month's meeting, which focused on camellias, Theresa Feile, Sogetsu, sent this photo of her arrangement of tortuous willow and camellias.

next meeting

Just another reminder that our next meeting is at 10.30 on Tuesday 13th August at the church hall, Toorak Uniting Church, 603 Toorak Rd., Toorak. 

Peter Leigh from Post Office Farm Nursery will give an illustrated talk about Hellebores. There is now a fascinating range of colours and variety among these 'winter roses'. He will also bring some plants for sale. 

Please bring an arrangement which uses them. Elizabeth Angell will demonstrate as part of the meeting.


In August two workshops provided ideas for celebrating the limited material of the winter season.

Carlyne Patterson (Sogetsu), with her students, demonstrated working with metal and green leaves. It was an chance to be creative, playful and finally use some of that scrap metal which has been hoarded for an opportunity such as this!  

At our general meeting on 13th August, also our AGM, Peter Leigh from Post Office Farm Nursery spoke about his specialty, hellebores, the heroes of the winter garden. Apart from the commonly cultivated hybridus variety he introduced us to their diverse foliage, colour and style...including double blooms of many shades, with exquisitely delicate markings. It was easy to see why they are often called 'winter roses'. He recommended cutting the stems once a couple of flowers have developed and then putting them into hot water briefly.
Incidentally, Peter's Nursery, at 934 Ashbourne Road, Woodend, is open on Sundays until the 29th September (inclusive), 10 am to 4 pm.