Sunday 30 March 2014


The workshop also provided an opportunity to promote the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show, which will be held at the Exhibition Building and adjacent gardens from Wednesday 20th until Sunday 24th March.

I. I. Melbourne Chapter's exhibition space, 6 metres x 3 metres, will display "Harmony", an exciting arrangement which has been forged by the five different schools, each using  similar material in an individual way to give a unified whole.

It's not be missed - located at stand C 12, within the main hall.

There will also be a combined ikebana demonstration, showcasing the different schools on Wednesday 20th March, 3.45 - 4.15 pm.

Tell your friends about it! And remind them that I. I has been awarded bronze and silver medals in recent years. We wish the hard-working group who have met for several months to design and construct this year's entry similar success.


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