Sunday 30 March 2014




Shirley Smallcross, from Camellias Victoria, gave an illustrated talk about this beautiful flower. Not all ‘shatter’ readily according to Shirley - this tendency varies a great deal. 

Members shared tips on pinning the blooms to help prevent them from falling, some favouring attaching the base of the flower to an adjacent leaf and others inserting a pin through the stamens into the base of the stalk. 

Some new developments included purple and yellow blooms. Many camellias have been bred in Australia and although there is a limited selection available from nurseries these days, they are easily propagated from cuttings.


This arrangement was a tribute for Julie Alston, a member for 40 years who died recently.

Furuidono                                                      without a sound the white camellia fell
Kurakini otsuro                                                      to sound the darkness of the deep stone well
Yosano Buson  1769

For other arrangements on the day - please go through to the Melbourne Ikebana Photos page.

Diary Dates

There are some interesting ikebana events on the horizon.

Firstly our next general meeting on Tuesday 13th August will feature hellebores or winter roses. These delicate flowers can be challenging to arrange, so this will be a golden opportunity to collect some ideas and skills. Peter Leigh, from Post Office Farm Nursery in the Macedon Ranges, will give a short talk about hellebores, including several new species. He will also bring plants for sale.

We will be participating in the Australian Plants Expo at St Sava’s Hall, 212 Diamond Creek Road, Greensborough, on the 7th and *8th September with a display and demonstration using Australian native material.

On September 10th our general meeting will be an excursion to the National Rhododendron Garden, Olinda, including a bus tour of the gardens.

From Tuesday 17thuntil Sunday 22nd Septemberthe annual Chapter Exhibition will be held at GASWORKS ARTS PARK, 21 Graham Street, Albert Park, 10am – 4pm.

On Tuesday October 8th  at our general meeting a workshop led by Thea Sartori will explore the art of Chabana, the style of flower arranging that was created for use in the tea ceremony.

(Please note that all photos are copyright ©2013 Christopher James).


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